What is the Scottish Housing Regulator?
The Scottish Housing Regulator is the independent regulator of Registered Social Landlord and local authority housing services in Scotland. They were established on 1 April 2011 under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010.
Their statutory objective is to safeguard and promote the interests of:
- around 600,000 tenants who live in homes provided by social landlords
- over 120,000 owners who received services from social landlords
- around 40,000 people and their families who experience homelessness and seek help from local authorities
- around 335 Gypsy/Travellers who can use official sites provided by social landlords.
Regulatory Framework
The Regulatory Framework is the Statement of Performance of Functions and sets out how the Regulator will regulate registered social landlords’ and performance of housing activities, financial well-being and standards of Governance. The Regulatory Framework was first implemented in April 2019 and an updated version published on 1st April 2024.
Annual Assurance Statement
Every year, we must submit an Assurance Statement to the Scottish Housing Regulator which details how we (Kingdom Housing Association) are meeting regulatory requirements. You can view our latest statement here.
What is The Scottish Social Housing Charter and What is mean for Customers?
The Charter sets out the standards and outcomes that all social landlords should aim to achieve when performing their everyday housing activities and is a way of measuring how social landlords are performing and how they are meeting the needs of their customers. The Charter was developed in consultation with the Scottish Housing Regulator, tenants, representative bodies, homeless people, other stakeholders and social landlords and was approved by the Scottish Parliament in March 2012. The Charter promotes customer involvement and customer satisfaction. We currently have a Customer Relations Panel made up of approximately 500 of our residents. These residents already provide a valuable service by taking part in various consultation exercises. The Charter promotes even more inclusion however and we are currently working with the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) on proposals to achieve this.
Annual Return on the Charter
Our latest Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) is available here. This gives you information on our performance during 2023/24.You can find out more information and also compare our performance with that of other housing associations by checking out the Scottish Housing Regulator’s website.
We are keen to hear what you think of the report and our performance so please contact us with your views.