
Kingdom’s procurement vision is “to achieve excellent procurement performance through sustainable procurement practices for the benefit of the organisation and our stakeholders”.

Procurement Opportunities

We have developed a Procurement Strategy, Action Plan and Operational Procedures which will support our Procurement Policy and reflect our vision.

The key objectives of our Procurement Strategy are to:

  • Consistently apply good procurement practice across the organisation
  • Help improve economic, social and environmental wellbeing in our geographical areas of operation.
  • Plan, monitor and review effectively current and future procurement activities.
  • Tender and award contracts in accordance with Kingdom’s Financial Regulations, legislative requirements and best practice.

Procurement Opportunities 

Kingdom will advertise procurement opportunities on the Public Contracts Scotland website which is the national advertising website for Scottish Public Sector Organisations.

If you would like to receive notifications about any contract opportunities please register with Public Contracts Scotland.

Contracts Register

For further information on individual regulated contracts please refer to our Contract Register.

Contact us

If you have any procurement questions outwith a formal procurement notice please call 01592 630922 or email