Kingdom Housing / Find a Home / Mid Market Rent

Mid Market Rent

Mid Market Rent (MMR) housing is designed to assist the accommodation of households who are economically active.

Current Mid Market Rent (MMR) vacancies are listed on Letting Web  
Our Letting Agent Registration Number (LARN) is: 2211004

It may be that applicants will be registered with the Fife Housing Register or a similar social housing register and are:

  • Potential first-time buyers (unable to secure a mortgage)
  • Living in private rented housing
  • Living with family, friends, or relatives
  • Lacking security of tenure in their current home
  • Currently occupying or holding positions on waiting lists in respect of council or housing association property.

Priority will be given to applicants within the following gross annual household income brackets:

1-2 bedroom properties: £17,000 – £36,000

3-4 Bedroom properties: £21,000 – £44,000

Income can come from any means including recipients of benefits.

If you are shortlisted for a vacancy, proof of income will be required to ensure that you meet the criteria.

Applicants will be asked to provide confirmation of their income and employment status.  We may take up written references from the applicants’ landlords, employers, former employers and bank. Where we assess that an applicant would not be able to afford MMR accommodation we reserve the right not to make a formal offer of accommodation.

Whilst MMR as a tenure has been developed with the intention of providing affordable accommodation for those in employment but unable to access other accommodation through home ownership or private rental, income does not have to be exclusively through employment and we welcome applications from all applicants whose household income meets the eligibility criteria.


If you are interested in any Mid Market Rent (MMR) vacancies, please register an interest with Letting Web  We will then contact you to request further documentation required for assessment.

For a full summary of the locations and types of our existing Mid Market Rent properties which may become available for relet in the future, please use the ‘Find a Home’ facility on the right-hand side of this page. 

Not all dwelling types and sizes are available in all areas so please check this.

There are no Mid Market Rent opportunities at present, please check back later.