The Scottish Government is carrying out the second review of the Scottish Social Housing Charter and will be holding a series of virtual consultation events between 21st June and 15th July, hosted on their behalf by the Tenants Information Service and the Tenant Participation Advisory Service.
The Charter was introduced in 2012 as part of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010, it sets the standards and outcomes that all social landlords should be achieving when performing their housing activities.
The Charter is reviewed by the Scottish Government every 5 years and it’s that time again!
The Scottish Government wants to hear about your experiences since the Charter was last reviewed in 2017 and invites you to get involved in reviewing the Charter.
The events will discuss:
- The impact of the current Charter
- The current outcomes and standards
- Whether anything needs to be changed or added
The events will last for 2 hours, and take place on:
- Tuesday 22nd June 10-12pm (TIS)
- Tuesday 29th June 2-4pm & 6-8pm (TIS)
- Tuesday 6th July 2-4pm (TPAS)
- Wednesday 14th July 10am-12pm & 2-4pm (TPAS)
- Thursday 15th July 2-4pm (TPAS)
Places are limited so book now the day and time that suits you best.
Consultation sessions are all online, both TPAS and TIS can help you get on-line if you need any advice or support to do that.
To book a TPAS event contact TPAS Scotland please telephone: 0141 552 3633 or you can email
To book a TIS event please telephone: 0141 248 1242 or you can email
Alongside the virtual consultation events a formal Scottish Government consultation will be launched in June. Feedback from these sessions will be included as part of the consultation process.
If you’d like to provide your feedback online, you can do that here.
Link to the current Charter –