Guests on Kingdom Housing Association’s annual study tour have visited locations in Fife and Clackmannan to see progress on its recently completed, current and planned housing projects.
Representatives from Fife Council, Clackmannanshire Council, Scottish Government and Kingdom’s private lenders joined Kingdom board members, management, staff and tenants from the association’s scrutiny panel for the day-long tour last week.
Freya Lees, chair of Kingdom Housing Association, said: “The Board members look forward to the annual project visits, they provide an ideal opportunity to see the projects that we have considered and heard about through the various reports received by the Board.”
Freya added: “Another benefit of the annual tour is the opportunity to meet with tenants, staff and other stakeholders to discuss a range of issues. The feedback from everyone who attended has been very positive and the projects we visited demonstrated what can be successfully delivered through working collaboratively with partners.”
Bill Banks, Kingdom’s Group Chief Executive, added: “The annual project tour is always a worthwhile event in our calendar. In addition to visiting the housing projects, it provided us with the opportunity to present some short briefing sessions on a range of activities we undertake and this year we were able to cover areas such as our Fife Works programme, the work of our alternative tenures team, our asset management strategy and a range of community benefits initiatives.”
The main focus for the 2017 tour was ‘Regeneration’ and included visits to Tanshall, Glenrothes, where 157 new homes have been provided as part of a phased programme; Kincardine, where the final phase is on site as part of a mixed tenure project, which when completed will provide a total of 73 social rented homes, 44 Mid Market Rent and 16 homes for sale; Fraser Avenue, Inverkeithing, where 236 local authority common access flats are being demolished to provide 189 new high quality homes to meet local needs; and Primrose Place, Alloa, where 16 new MMR homes have recently been provided as part of the redevelopment of a town centre site.
In addition to the regeneration projects, the group also visited one of Kingdoms affordable housing policy sites in Dunfermline, where 56 new homes are being developed; the site for the 55 homes, which has recently started in Saline and Kingdoms most recently completed project, providing 21 homes, at Redlands Road, Tullibody.
Kingdom’s Board have approved ambitious development plans which will see around 3,500 new homes provided for Kingdom and their partners.