The Housing (Scotland) Act 2010 introduced the Scottish Social Housing Charter (The Charter) as a way of monitoring how social landlords are performing and informing service users what they can expect from their landlord.
Social Landlords in Scotland are required to produce an annual report on the Charter, in consultation with their tenants and service users. This report tells them how our organisation is progressing in meeting the Charter objectives.
In addition to our own report, the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) also publishes a performance report for every landlord in Scotland annually.
We have produced our report in consultation with our tenants, considering the feedback we received from some of you last year. For example, most people told us that they wanted a simpler a shorter report, so this year we produced a report of 6 pages, instead of 20 pages. The information contained in the report was selected by our Tenants Scrutiny Panel which is made of 7 tenants. Other tenants who attended the Annual Tenants Gathering had an opportunity to look at some design options and chose one that was clear and easy to understand.
We hope you enjoy learning more about us by reading this report and we encourage you to give us your feedback. You can do this online via Survey Monkey
Feedback Form Annual Report on the Charter 2015-16 or alternatively you can request a copy from our Customer Service team.
All completed feedback forms will be entered into a prize draw and one lucky winner will receive a High Street voucher to the value of £50.