Kingdom Housing Association and Citizens Advice and Rights Fife (CARF), through the Macmillan Fife Welfare Benefit Partnership, have launched a new partnership aimed at supporting tenants in Fife affected by cancer.
Norah Smith, director of housing and care at Kingdom, said: “We recognise that tenants affected by cancer may be at greater risk of losing their homes through their inability to work, reduced income and greater living costs as a result of their own, or a family member’s diagnosis. And this project aims to help them address the challenges they face and keep their homes.”
A coffee morning was recently held to promote the service and was attended by a range of professionals associated with the service who were able to give on the spot advice and information to both tenants and staff.
The coffee morning also marked the launch of drop-in surgeries for tenants over the month of September. Staff from CARF will be available in Kingdom’s office in Glenrothes, one morning per week to provide support to any tenant or family member affected by cancer.
Staff will also be able to give support and advice in dealing with money and debt, housing issues and welfare benefits amongst other things.
June Menzies, MacMillan Fife Welfare Benefit Partnership project manager, said: “Citizens Advice and Rights Fife welcome the opportunity to extend our MacMillan Fife Welfare Benefit Partnership to offer Kingdom tenants dedicated, additional and targeted support and advice to ensure that they have the best possible chance of having and keeping a home which meets their needs and reduces worries in a stressful time.”
June added: “The Partnership provides information and advice about welfare benefits and other financial entitlements to help people living in Fife cope with the cost of living with cancer. Our service can also introduce clients to other CARF services, for example, budgeting advice and can put you in touch with external agencies that may offer more specialist help and support.”
The service is open to all cancer patients, their families and/or their carers who are tenants of Kingdom in Fife and applies equally to those whose treatment is delivered out-with Fife.
Further information on the service can be provided through a dedicated Macmillan line on 0345 1400 091. Information is also be available from the Kingdom Customer Service Team on 01592 630922.