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A New Deal For Tenants

A New Deal for Tenants – Have Your Say On The Scottish Government’s Draft Rented Sector Strategy

The Scottish Government is creating a new rented sector strategy called “A New Deal for Tenants”. This will set out how they plan to work with landlords and tenants, across both the social and private sectors, to improve rented homes and ensure all tenants can access secure, stable tenancies with affordable housing choices.


It is important that this reflects the views of tenants, so the Tenants Information Service and the Tenant Participation Advisory Service are running sessions to give you the opportunity to have your say on the draft strategy. Feedback from these meetings will then be presented to the Scottish Government as part of the wider consultation.


It is free for tenants to attend and will provide a broad overview of the main proposals with a discussion around key questions.

These online sessions are being held on:
  • Thursday 24th March 7-9pm (Open to Mid Market Rent tenants only)
  • Wednesday 30th March 2-4pm (Open to all tenants)
If you would like to attend one of these events, please let us know by emailing