Kingdom Housing / News Archive / Meet Kingston, Our New Virtual Assistant

Meet Kingston, Our New Virtual Assistant

Hi! My name is Kingston!

I live in the bottom right-hand corner of the Kingdom website. I’m in the same place on every page you visit on our site, so you’ll always be able to chat with me easily.

I’m a Chat-Bot who is pretty smart. You can ask me anything about housing-related matters. When you talk to me, I like you to ask me questions, for example, “How do I pay my rent?” or “How do I report a repair?”

I work all day and night. During office hours, if I do not know the answer to your question, I can pass you through to a customer advisor via Live Chat.

When the advisors aren’t working, I can message them to get in touch with you the next working day.

The next time you’ve got a housing-related question, why not say ‘hello’ and ask me first.