Kingdom Housing Association tenants are advising the Association on its current review of new kitchen installations which seeks to provide tenants with more choices in a cost efficient manner.
A group of customers who wanted to have an input travelled to kitchen suppliers Joinery & Timber Creations in Dundee and met with Max Scotto, Kingdom’s tenant participation officer, and technical services manager, Bryan Livingstone.
Max said: “Our customers were able to look at kitchen options and discuss how the choices provided can also contribute to benefiting people with visual impairments. The group was able to agree on the future choices that will apply, not only to existing kitchen replacements but also to new builds. The four tenants involved gave very positive feedback.”
Rose Duncan, one of the Kingdom tenants who participated in the review, found the visit to our suppliers very informative and added: “I feel quite confident that everyone there reached the same conclusion on what we felt was excellent choices for tenants who may get new kitchens within their homes. It really is good that tenants, including myself, have a say in the process.”
Bryan Livingstone said: “We are concerned that the kitchen units we install are high quality and reflect what tenants expect. Therefore, it is important that we continue to hold events like this. It allows us to inform the tenants about considerations that are taken into account when we look to carry out a kitchen installation. It also gives them the opportunity to feed back on some of the issues that tenants have experienced with their own kitchens.”
Colin Tweddell, sales director with Joinery and Timber Creations, added: “It was good to catch up and to listen to the various opinions on the day. I thought the visit was definitely worth it and I hope everyone who attended got something out of the day.”
Are you interested in participating in activities like this? If so, please join our Participation Register. If you want to know more about this and other opportunities please contact Max Scotto, Tenant Participation Officer on 01592 630922 –’