Kingdom Housing / News Archive / Kingdom Housing Association Teams Up With Local Primary School To Share Lessons in Wellbeing

Kingdom Housing Association Teams Up With Local Primary School To Share Lessons in Wellbeing

Kingdom Housing Association has published a support booklet for customers and staff packed full of health and wellbeing tips inspired by the work of children from a local primary school.

Young people from North Queensferry Primary School provided the original ideas and illustrations for the Customer and Staff Support Packs after they created Coping Cards in class and shared their insights into mental health and emotional resilience in a video which they recorded, edited and produced themselves. 

Realising that the young learners needed a lift after dealing with Covid-19 restrictions, teachers at the school encouraged the children to share their coping strategies for when they felt anxious or stressed. Being able to recognise low feelings and being able to ask for help has had a positive impact on their learning and is equally important to people of all ages.

At a virtual presentation, Kingdom Group Chief Executive Bill Banks unveiled the finished booklets and said, “Kingdom’s mission is to provide more than a home. As part of that, we are committed to providing our customers with information that can help them lead a healthy and supportive lifestyle. When I saw the video and coping cards produced by the children at North Queensferry Primary School I knew that we could work together to produce something that would really benefit Kingdom’s customers and staff.

Looking after our mental health is as important as looking after our physical health and as adults we can all learn a lot from the great ideas in these packs, which have been brought to life by the childrens’ amazing illustrations. Digital versions of the packs are already on our website for customers and 500 printed copies will also be going to our next customer roadshow.”

Lee Waugh, Headteacher at North Queensferry Primary School said, “The children have enjoyed being part of the process of sharing their knowledge with staff at Kingdom Housing Association to help both customers and staff there. They also loved being given the opportunity to create the illustrations for these publications too as they are a talented bunch!

When we can, we would love to be able to visit Kingdom and meet the people involved in this project but for now we are looking forward to being able to read the packs we have helped create.”

The Healthier Lifestyle pack can be accessed here.
