Kingdom Housing Association, the parent company within the Kingdom Group comprising Kingdom Housing Association, Kingdom Support & Care, and Kingdom Initiatives, and the respective Boards have approved an ambitious Corporate Plan that covers the strategies for the next five years.
Linda Leslie, Kingdom Housing Association Chair said, “Kingdom has always been an ambitious organisation and this is reflected in our Corporate Plan. The plan covers all our areas of activity and the latest version includes 3 new strategies related to Customer Services, Fairfield Integration and Net Zero.”
Linda added, “In addition to our core and corporate support services, the plan includes strategies for the wider added value services we provide, which all reflect and contribute to the Kingdom Group’s mission to provide more than a home.”
In 2021 the Kingdom Group introduced a new structure based on different Service Areas covering; Operations, Finance and Business Development, Corporate Services and Subsidiary Operations. The Operations Service area includes, Development, Housing and Asset Management. As part of the restructure a dedicated Customer Services Department has been established to focus on enhanced services to customers across all areas of operation, which will streamline processes and deliver improved services to customers.
In December 2021 the Transfer of Engagements from Fairfield Housing Association to Kingdom took place and the commitments to former Fairfield tenants have been reflected in the delivery strategy for implementation over the next 3 years.
Achieving Net Zero is an area that all Registered Social Landlords (RSL) are considering and progressing. Kingdom’s strategy identifies and highlights the national objectives and timescales and how their plans will contribute to the delivery of these objectives.
The plan covers strategies related to Housing and Asset Management services and outlines how Kingdom will demonstrate continuous development of service capacity, focussed customer services and investment proposals for existing properties.
Kingdom is one of the largest developing RSLs in Scotland and the plans demonstrate how they will provide over 2,000 new affordable homes over the next 5 years.
The plan is supported by Corporate Strategies covering Governance, Finance, HR, Digital and Organisational Support Services to ensure the Group’s strategic objectives and priorities will be delivered.
Bill Banks, Kingdom’s Group Chief Executive said, “The last couple of years have been challenging as we worked through the pandemic, however we delivered on all our objectives and we have produced another ambitious plan to demonstrate further growth and value to customers over the next 5 years. Innovation and collaborative working are areas that have supported our strategies for many years and this will continue in the future, with the delivery of many interesting and exciting initiatives incorporated into our delivery plans.”
A copy of Kingdom’s 2022 Summary Corporate Plan can be found here.