A detailed planning application has been submitted for new shop units which will service a Kingdom Housing Association development in Inverkeithing.
Working with the Association and Campion Homes on behalf of Fife Council, 7N Architects said the plans form a key part of the emerging regeneration project for the wider estate, one of the most disadvantaged areas in the country.
The delivery of the new units will allow the existing shops, which are currently located at the base of an empty block of flats, to be demolished within a rolling programme of demolition and construction.
The designs for the new retail units have been conceived as a pavilion with strategic civic significance, addressing new and existing dwellings, as well as an existing bowling club, to create a public amenity for the wider community.
Sited adjacent to the bowling club pavilion, the linear pitched roof form offers a domestic presence within the residential setting, while the colonnaded walkway simultaneously reinforces the idea of a building with a civic identity and a public purpose.
The construction of the new shops will run in parallel with the delivery of the first phase of new terraced housing currently emerging on site. The designs for Phase 1 for Kingdom Housing Association recently received a Commendation in the Innovation in Housing category at theSaltire Society Housing Design Awards 2017.
Councillor Judy Hamilton, convener of the community and housing services committee, said: “I am delighted that the project has reached another significant milestone with the submission of the planning application. I know that the design team undertook consultation with the existing shops owners and the wider community so would like to thank everyone who took time to get involved in this process and provide valuable feedback. There is still much work to be done but I would thank the design team for the hard work in reaching this stage.”
Speaking on behalf of Kingdom Initiatives, Scott Kirkpatrick, director of development, added: “Kingdom Initiatives, 7N, Fife Council and Campion Homes have enjoyed working closely with the community and local businesses on the design of these retail units. Building them alongside Kingdom Housing Association’s 53 new homes for social rent is a key element within Fife Council’s regeneration masterplan for the area.”
The new retail units and homes forming the first phase are due for completion by the end of 2018, with subsequent phases of the regeneration project progressing thereafter.