Kingdom Housing / News Archive / Fighting Fuel Poverty

Fighting Fuel Poverty

Kingdom Housing Association has successfully applied to the Scottish Government’s Green Homes Cash Scheme for a grant to help make homes warmer and cheaper to heat.

The Association has been awarded £131,250 to improve properties in Dunfermline and Falkirk which are in conservation areas and cannot benefit from conventional wall insulation.

Kingdom chief executive Bill Banks said: “These are one and two-bedroom flats in solid wall properties which have low energy ratings. Kingdom is committed to fighting fuel poverty and making its homes energy efficient, so we were pleased to be able to access cash from this scheme which will help tenants keep their fuel bills low.”

He added: “Works are scheduled to begin in November so that we can make a difference over the winter.”

The contractor for the project is McGill from Dundee, who assisted Kingdom to apply for the grant funding.

Housing minister Margaret Burgess said: “Through the Green Homes Cashback Scheme we are helping social landlords and councils upgrade their properties with energy efficiency measures, which will in turn will save residents’ money on fuel bills and cut emissions.”