Kingdom Housing / News Archive / Fife Housing Association Alliance

Fife Housing Association Alliance

Housing association staff from across Fife attended a joint training event organised by Fife Housing Association Alliance to increase their knowledge of how digital solutions can be applied to services and projects to benefit tenants.

The Digital Solutions event focussed on digital Inclusion and how the internet and broadband can be used to improve home and personal security, along with advice on what security devices tenants can put in place to help protect their property and personal belongings. Online resources providing information on healthy eating and wellbeing were also highlighted.

The visitors to the event were given demonstrations on how tenants can access housing management systems, shown smart technology which can be operated via apps, digital access to health related information, home security solutions and fibre broadband.

Gary Haldane, Kingdom Housing Group head of ICT, said: “This drop-in event was aimed at staff from all Departments of Fife Housing Association Alliance and hopefully gave participants a better understanding of the use of and potential for new technology, particularly understanding how housing services can be enhanced through the innovative use of data and technology.”

Dave Roy, Kingdom Group’s health & safety officer, said: “This was a great opportunity to show the Fife Housing Association Alliance staff what digital security and personal protection devices can be bought cheaply online and help reduce the risk of being a victim of crime.”