Kingdom Housing / News Archive / Fife employability project launches first Community Impact Report

Fife employability project launches first Community Impact Report

Kingdom Works, the employability project within the Kingdom Group, launched its first Community Impact Report at the Carnegie Conference Centre, Dunfermline at an event attended by partners, training providers, employers and staff from across the Kingdom Group.

Launched as Fife Works in 2008 to bridge the gap between unemployed people in communities across Fife and employers, the employability project was renamed ‘Kingdom Works’ in 2018.

Funded through a range of public sources, for a little over 15 years Kingdom Works has been a lifeline for jobseekers in Fife, supporting over 8,000 local people with a range of employability services and helping more than half of those people into work.

Linda Leslie, Chair of Kingdom Housing Association, introduced the event and afterwards said, “At the Kingdom Group we strive to deliver a seamless customer journey and an exceptional customer experience. To do that we take a One Kingdom approach, working across teams and departments, that allows us to achieve more for our customers; much more than we could working independently of each other. We take that same approach in Kingdom Works when working with our partners, many of whom attended the launch event. Working together we can amplify our impact and deliver genuinely life-changing outcomes.”

The Kingdom Works Community Impact Report for 2023/24 showcases the range of support on offer to people looking for work, from training academies and job matching  to interview preparation. Featuring real stories from real people, the Impact Report also outlines our  The Naumann Initiative, the groundbreaking project developed by the Kingdom Group to tackle homelessness and unemployment.

Kingdom Works Manager Lynne Dunn said, “The Kingdom Works Impact Report is the first of a series of publications demonstrating the tangible impact of the wraparound services provided across the Kingdom Group. Our work has always been about more than bricks and mortar as we deliver our mission of providing more than a home. We want our customers, their wider family connections, and their communities to reach their potential and we work closely with our partners to achieve that.”

Lynne added, “While employment should be a viable route out of poverty, it can trap people in low-paid and insecure work. Kingdom Works focuses on getting people into the right job that is sustainable, providing in-work support to improve retention levels and supporting progression in the workplace.”

The Kingdom Works Community Impact Report is available here


(l-r) Adam Dunkerly, Opportunities Fife Partnership Manager; Lynne Dunn, Kingdom Works Manager; Susan McDonald, Kingdom Group Executive Director of Operations; Linda Leslie, Chair of Kingdom Housing Association; Cllr Judy Hamilton, Spokesperson - Housing & Building Services, Fife Council; Stevie Watson, Greenfold Systems; Lee Herd, Recruitment & Development Coordinator, Kingdom Support & Care; Fiona Ross, Employability Officer, Kingdom Works