Kingdom Housing Association has been recognised for its pioneering work in developing its young workforce.
The Fife-based Association won the award, sponsored by BAE Systems, after judges were impressed by the association’s long track record of creating a range of initiatives designed to create training opportunities, apprenticeships, employment opportunities and work placements for school students and pupils.
Kingdom chief executive, Bill Banks, received the award at the Fife Business Awards ceremony last week.
He said: “We were very pleased to receive this award. Developing our young workforce and creating employment opportunities is very much part of our mission.
“It is welcome recognition of our efforts and a vote of confidence in our staff who have worked hard to create our Apprenticeship programme as well as Kingdom’s Trainee Programme which currently has eight young trainees on a three to four year programme.”
Bill added: “It is also recognition for our Fife Works Employability project which has assisted more than 2,000 unemployed people back into employment, including some who gained permanent employment with Kingdom.”