Kingdom Housing / News Archive / Energy Advice Surgeries

Energy Advice Surgeries

Michael Hui, Energy Advisor will be holding Energy Advice surgeries every Wednesday from 9.30 am until 12 pm at the following offices of Kingdom Housing:

1st Wednesday of the month – Saltire Centre, Glenrothes
2nd Wednesday of the month – Natal Place, Cowdenbeath (by appointment only)
3rd Wednesday of the month – James Bank Centre, James Street, Dunfermline
4th Wednesday of the month – Saltire Centre, Glenrothes

No appointment is required for our Dunfermline or Glenrothes offices, please come along!

Appointments for Cowdenbeath surgeries can be booked by calling the Customer Service team on 01592 630922.

If you have your most recent fuel bills, please bring them with you.  Come along and find out how we can help!