Kingdom Housing / News Archive / Coronavirus: Level 2 Information

Coronavirus: Level 2 Information

On Monday 17th May most of mainland Scotland moved from Level 3 coronavirus restrictions to Level 2. This represents a significant step forward as the country continues its journey out of lockdown.

In Level 2 you can meet socially in groups of up to:

  • 6 people from 3 households in your home or theirs – and can stay overnight
  • 6 people from 3 households in an indoor public place like a café, pub or restaurant
  • 8 people from 8 households outdoors

Children under 12 do not count towards the total number of people or households meeting outside, but do count towards household numbers indoors.

You do not need to physically distance from your family and friends in a private home, however rooms should be well ventilated and there should be no sharing of food or utensils.

Alcohol can be served in pubs or restaurants which are allowed to stay open until 10:30pm with two-hour time-limited booking slots. There will still be a limit of 6 adults, but they can now come from 3 different households, whereas before it was 2.

Cinemas, theatres and amusement arcades can reopen. Adult outdoor contact sports, personal training and coaching are allowed and indoor group exercises can resume – but indoor contact sport is not allowed.

Outdoor and indoor events such as concerts can also restart, but with limited capacity. Small indoor seated events are advised to have a maximum of 100 people, outdoor grouped standing events have a capacity of 250 and outdoor seated/open space events are limited to 500.

There’s lots more information here:

Our Services

In terms of our services to you, your safety and the safety of our staff remain our number one priorities. 

We are able to resume routine repairs and we are currently working through a backlog of repairs that were logged during lockdown. If we are working in your home, our staff will always wear appropriate PPE and maintain social distancing  as well as following good hand and respiratory hygiene practices

If you are self-isolating or have recently been diagnosed with Coronavirus and have made an appointment to have maintenance work carried out, please contact us immediately and let us know.

Our Housing team will continue to engage with you in the safest way possible. Restrictions don’t allow us to return to pre-pandemic working practises at the moment, but we are continuing to deliver  many of our services including:

  • Allocations
  • Short Term Housing Support
  • Energy Advice
  • Money & Arrears Advice
  • Crisis Support

Virtual appointments shall remain the default position for delivering these services safely and our staff will continue to contact you by phone, email, text or video call.

