Kingdom Housing / News Archive / Community Initiatives

Community Initiatives

Kingdom Housing Association has launched a Community Initiatives Fund to provide donations of up to a maximum of £500 for local voluntary organisations working to improve the communities where the Association operates.

Applications for grants to help support community projects can be submitted by tenants, residents in the community, clubs, schools, voluntary groups and others who are promoting community projects.

The Association said that tenant, resident and community projects could qualify as well as projects delivering training and employment schemes. Education and school initiatives, public art schemes and activities aimed at improving energy efficiency and the environment will also be considered.

It is anticipated that most of the awards will be between £200 and £500.

Kingdom chief executive Bill Banks explained: “Our mission at Kingdom is to build strong, sustainable communities and to ‘provide more than a home’ by encouraging community initiatives.”

He added: “In order to help meet this objective we have created a Community Initiatives Fund to support projects in the communities where we operate.”