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Care & Repair

For the Care & Repair team it has been business as usual during the Covid-19 Pandemic. With full support from our funders Fife Council Housing Service also our partners in Health and Social Care, Care and Repair continue to deliver the major critical permanent disability adaptation service to those most in need.

The service has continued to accept case referrals for client’s approved by Occupational Therapy Team Leaders. These clients have been categorised as the most vulnerable and most in need. Some of these adaptations, once completed, will facilitate quicker hospital discharges and some will prevent serious falls or accidents preventing hospital admissions. Other adaptations have been chosen as they will free up complex care packages and allow the support to be available to those who will be left requiring help due to the effect of the pandemic.

Care and Repair have worked in collaboration with our colleagues across professional boundaries to streamline and develop an arms-length process that will allow for the quick and effective delivery of adaptation, whilst meeting the legislative requirements of grant awards under the Housing (Scotland) Act.

The Care and Repair Framework Agreement contractors have enhanced their level of service provision. They have bulk bought critical stock so that they may continue to deliver the adaptations as most suppliers have now closed for business. Their cooperative effort and use of photographic evidence has removed the requirement for our Technical Team and Fife Council Occupational Therapy to visit the client’s homes.

Fife Council Legal Services have agreed to accept digitally signed grant application forms for those clients where quarantine prevents the physical exchange of documentation. While their Building Services Department have been accommodating photographic evidence of initial and completion inspections along with verbal confirmation from clients they are satisfied with the end results.

We are also working closely with Health and Social Service colleagues to bridge the communications gap brought about by required isolation for some of those patients who are in hospital recovering from Covid-19 symptoms and are awaiting their homes to be adapted before they can be discharged.

Care and Repair client’s feel comfortable and secure in the knowledge that everything is being done to ensure their homes are adapted to meet their requirements and that the service will be delivered in accordance with the very stringent Health and Safety Government Guidelines.

If you’d like to find out more about the work being done by Care & Repair, there’s lots of information here.