Our annual report on the charter gives you information on our performance in key areas of work and lets you know how we are doing in meeting the standards of the Scottish Social Housing Charter.
The report gives details on our performance over the last 3 years and how we compared to the average of all Scottish social landlords in 2017/18.
All Scottish Social landlords are required to undertake a large scale customer survey, at least every 3 years. Some of our satisfaction figures in the report are from the survey which we did 2 years ago, so don’t reflect work we have done since then which will have improved these responses. We have been working on these areas as part of our performance improvement plans and would hope to demonstrate improvements as part of our upcoming large scale survey which will feed into next years report
Generally our performance is mostly above or broadly comparable to the Scottish average. We’ve improved our performance compared to last year in many areas, e.g. we have seen an improvement in the number of repairs appointments which are kept, which is shown at 95.9% and we have reduced the average time it takes to carry out non emergency repairs. During the year, we have allocated housing to a total of 376 households, which is a 19% increase on the previous year.
There are areas where we need to improve, e.g. our average time to re-let properties. Work is being done in participation and communication and we will continue to prioritise these areas over the next year. A great deal of work has been carried out during 2017/18 to encourage tenants to give feedback, to get involved in the work we do and these are areas where we hope to see our satisfaction levels increase.
We are keen to expand opportunities for you to take part, if you have any suggestions on how you would like to get involved, please let us know. Our tenant Scrutiny Panel has taken an active role in the design and preparation of this report by telling us what they thought tenants would like to know and how the report should look. Any feedback on this report would be welcomed as this will help us prioritise areas for improvement and make sure we include the information you would like to know in future reports on our performance.
Freya Lees