Kingdom Housing / News Archive / Annual Report on the Charter 2016/17

Annual Report on the Charter 2016/17

Kingdom publishes its 4th Annual Performance Report!

Our Annual Report on the Charter gives our tenants and customers information on how well Kingdom has performed in key areas of work and lets you know how we are doing in meeting the standards of the Scottish Social Housing Charter.  Our Tenant Scrutiny Panel has again taken an active role and told us what they thought tenants would like to know and how the report should be presented.  The report gives details on our performance over the last 3 years and how we compared to the average of all Scottish social landlords in 2016/17.


Our performance is mostly above or similar to the Scottish average.  We have improved our performance compared to last year in many areas.  For example, we have seen a 4.2% improvement in the number of repairs appointments which are kept, we have reduced the average time it takes to re-let a home by 7.9 days and the percentage of tenants who thought their rent represents good value for money has increased by 5.7% this year.  There are, however, areas where we have recognised performance needs to improve, such as the percentage of tenants satisfied with the way we manage their neighbourhood and keeping tenants informed about our services.  These will be priorities for us over the next year.


During the year, we have been doing a lot to encourage tenants to get more involved in the work we do.  Despite this, fewer of our tenants were satisfied with the opportunities available to participate.  We are really keen to expand opportunities for tenants and customers to get more involved so if you have any suggestions on how you would like to get involved, please let us know.  Any feedback you would like to make on this report would also be very welcome.  This will help us prioritise areas for improvement and make sure we include the information you would like to know about in future reports on our performance.


Freya Lees
