Kingdom Housing / News Archive / Annual Report on the Charter 2015

Annual Report on the Charter 2015

The Scottish Social Housing Charter (The Charter) was introduced by the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010 as a way of monitoring how social landlords are performing and informing tenants and service users what they can expect from their landlord.

The Scottish Housing Regulator publishes a performance report for every landlord each year. In addition to that report, every registered social landlord produces its own report, in consultation with its tenants, informing them on how it is progressing in meeting the Charter objectives.

You can download our Annual Report on the Charter and the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) Landlord Report for 2014 / 15.


Your Feedback is Important to us

 After you read our report, please take a moment to complete a brief feedback survey and you will be entered into a prize draw. There will be two prizes of High Street Vouchers to the value of £50 each.

If you are unable to download these reports and you would prefer to receive paper copies, please contact our Customer Service team on 01592 630922 or email and they will be happy to send out copies for you.  If you wish to discuss anything in relation to our Annual Report on the Charter, please contact Max Scotto, Tenant Participation Officer on the above number.




Our Annual Report on the Charter 2015 is available to download.......