Kingdom Housing / News Archive / A Good Cause

A Good Cause

Kingdom Housing Association’s subsidiary company Kingdom Initiatives Ltd gave local foodbanks a Christmas boost with the donation of a £2,000 cheque to The Trussell Trust, which operates  six foodbanks in their  area of operations.

Kingdom already works closely with the Trussell Trust by referring people to the foodbanks and providing them with vouchers to receive food packs.

The Trussell Trust’s Scottish development officer Jim Robertson was presented with a cheque at the Glenrothes foodbank by Kingdom’s Chief Executive Bill Banks.

Bill, also a director with Kingdom Initiatives, said: “While I am pleased to present this cheque to the local foodbanks, particularly at this time of the year, it is important to remember that the support provided by the foodbanks is in demand all year round and makes a huge difference to a large number of people.”

Jim Robertson added: “On behalf of The Trussell Trust I want to thank Kingdom Initiatives Ltd for their generous donation of £2000 for the work of our foodbanks in Fife, Falkirk and Perth & Kinross. While 90 per cent of food given out by foodbanks is donated by the public we also rely on cash donations such as this to help us support individuals and families experiencing food poverty and to raise awareness of this serious issue.”

He added: “In the period 1 April 2014 to 30 September 2014 the six Trussell Trust Foodbanks in Kingdom’s area of operation fed 6,203 Adults and 2,480 Children, a total of 8,683 people. We will speak to our Foodbanks to identify specific needs in their area and use the donation to support that. Once again, thanks to Kingdom Initiatives Ltd for their generosity and we wish them well in their work.”